Products overview
The product overview is ordered by volume (0.02 liter to 2 liters) and according to motives.
Important note: No orders can be accepted at this time!
Products overview
The product overview is ordered by volume (0.02 liter to 2 liters) and according to motives.
Important note: No orders can be accepted at this time!
Porcelain jugs
0.5 liter jugs
1 liter jugs
2 liters jugs
0.3 liter jugs
0.25 liter jugs
0.1 liter decorative jugs
0.02 liter mini jugs
0.5 liter glass jugs
Glass jugs are currently not available
Bavarian rhombuses
Crest blue
Crest 1742
Crest 1755
Crest 1794
Crest of anno 1806
Bavarian crest
Crest with flags
more crests
Reservist jugs (not available at this time)
firefighters motifs
hunting motifs
fishing motifs
more motifs for associations
Bavaria in the 19th century
Bavarian country motifs
King Ludwig II
Town and country
for fun
decorative motifs Birthday jugs